Maybe it’s middle age settling in on me, but oh, how I love to watch the vegetables form! From blossom to mini-me to the awkward teen phase to fully mature fruit — I just love it! Today I picked some lima beans at the baby stage so I could make succotash, and for carried away looking at how the plants go from blossom to little bud to miniature bean to baby beans to ripe. I was out in the morning so the light filtered through the bean pods from the east. It was like a little ultrasound — I could see the little beans forming and decide if I wanted to pick them or let them mature a little longer. It was difficult to photograph, but I did get these:

It was tricky to do with my cell phone, but I got this picture of two tiny Brandywines growing, as well! They are about the size of the plastic head of a pin right now:

I watered the hay bales and took some more pictures:
Better Boys — finally one in the back is starting to turn Butt shot of me in quite a lady-like stance. My mom would be proud. Those colors! Closeup Yellow pear tomato blossom Tomatillo, split but not purple yet Another tomatillo picture
I went to the farmers market and bought some sweet corn, bell peppers, and okra to go with my tomatoes and Lima beans in the succotash. I used bacon and Herbes de Provence to season — it was out of this world delicious! The corn was so sweet Sydney asked me if I had added sugar.
Spring is the prettiest season here in Virginia, but summer tastes best.