Jenny's blog

400 bulbs and counting

Between the kids and I working yesterday, and Paige’s help on Wednesday, we’ve planted 400 daffodil bulbs! I can not wait until next spring to see how they look. I’ve planted some by the gate, on our side of the fence, and some in drifts by the road. the last 100 will probably go along the sidewalk or in large bunches by the front and back steps.

I still have about 100 other random bulbs to put in the bulb garden. I’m hoping they do well next year.

We also put in 6 azalea bushes and about 20 green liriope (monkey grass or muscari). I think that the bushes in the front need to be moved — the spacing is not perfect and is irritating me. I’ll have to get Jared on that tomorrow. Plus the vegetable bed is not completed. We have got to get that finished before the bad weather sets in.

There’s still a lean-to to build for the lawnmower, too.

Plus there’s still plenty to do on this website, which is STILL not live. Jared keeps running into “bugs”. That’s nerd-speak for “I haven’t gotten around to it yet.” I am half tempted to set the site live with an email link for users to contact Jared and remind him they want the other parts of the website live… Hehe. I need him to get the db finished and backed up tho before I use panels to generate the new pages. I am scared panels might mess stuff up.

Today I am enjoying the extra hour before Church. I have a meeting in an hour and a half, but I’ve been leisurely researching signs for the gate and using Facebook. Since it’s fast Sunday, I don’t have to worry about cooking. I’m not teaching either, and I don’t even have to read a lesson before church. It’s so nice to have a slow day every now and again.

Next week is parent/teacher conference. DS’s teacher has been working very hard with him. There were some problems last week, and I was upset with how things were handled by the staff. Mrs K handled it the right way, however, and I am hoping we can make more progress. She indicated she thinks he’ll be in the gifted program officially soon. I hope we can help him quit goofing off in class and treat his teachers more respectfully.

I’m sure that DD’s teacher will rant and rave about how wonderful she is. And she is, of course, but it’s always a little hurtful to have one kid bragged on so much, and the other, who is also wonderful, ripped on. It’s just personality differences, but it still bothers me. She’s a pleaser. He is passive aggressive.

Sharon Taylor passed away last week. We didn’t have to do much regarding the memorial service, but I will miss her. This week it’s VT reporting. Our Enrichment meeting is not nailed down as much as I’d like, but this time we have a committee and Leader that can really do a good job, I think. We’re planning a service project.

That’s about it….. yard work, websites, kids. It never ends. But I am happy that we’re making progress.

Posted by Jenny Smith

I'm Jenny Smith. I blog about life on the 300+ acres of rolling farmland in Northern Virginia where I live. I like tomatoes, all things Star Trek, watercolor, and reading. I spend most days in the garden fighting deer and groundhogs while trying to find my life's meaning. I'm trying to be like Jesus -- emphasis on the trying.