Five years ago I grew my own tomatoes from seeds and grew a couple of unusual heirlooms that I got from C&T. I remember the persimmon and pineapple tomatoes were particularly good. The tomato plants were dying by time I put this picture up. I think this is all that I got that year. I can’t remember if this was the year that we sprayed 2-4d around and think we got the overspray on the tomatoes or not.

Here is what I picked today:

To my dismay, this happened to my first ripe pink Brandywine:

We are using this motion-activated sprinkler monster to keep the deer out of the garden. My camera caught it on film in the yard the other day, but it didn’t come in the garden. It better stay away!

Jared put in the gravel I’ve been begging for!!! Now the hardscaping of my garden is complete!!!

Check out the how the bean trellis has filled in:

We had some pretty big wind storms this week that blew over two of the tomatillo plants. I bought two more tomato cages to hold up the plants. It was full scale abuse. The tomato cages are the right size but it was super difficult to squeeze them over the plants. I broke off several branches and bent and twisted them in 100 different ways. They looked terrible when I finished.
But it turns out that tomatillos are TOUGH. The plants are looking great, and moved them a little closer to the main part of the bed so i can water them more easily. I bent the tomato cages to pin the plants to the trellis. I’m hoping that will keep them from blowing over if it gets stormy again.
Tomatillos, moved The husks look so cool! Look at these roots! I have two or three tomatillos in each 15 inch pot — it’s too much and they are getting root bound. I have to water every day.
Here are some more pictures. This is after I picked the tomatoes, so the ones you see are ones I’m going to let get a little riper before I pick them:
Roma 2 bush beans Better Boy in front Roma — I think they’re giving out Celebrity. They’re small but have given me as much fruit already as the Roma. Squash. Zephyr in back, Delicata in front. You can see the ones that get more sun are doing better. The thinned tomatoes. One is about dead.
I have so enjoyed the garden this year. So therapeutic!
My friend, Del, from Church had me over to see his garden and gave me some of his harvest. Sam Marzano, OSU blue, and sun gold (I think), plus shishito peppers. The orange cherry tomatoes are amazing! I will grow them next year. They taste so good!