Jenny's blog

Will we Miss the Mouse?

Good grief. I booked a great price on RT tickets to Orlando during the slowest week of the year on AirTran so our family could use up the rest of the un-expiring DisneyWorld tickets we bought back in 2005. So far our entire itinerary has changed 3 times (by the Automated System “that we don’t have any control over”). Today I called up and got them to move our flights to non-stop flights and to move our return date to Friday, so that the kids can rest. It’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. Flight times change all the time, but I’ve never had a flight change flight numbers 3x before!

I keep wondering if they are going out of business, but this article says no, they are SELLING OFF THEIR FLEET to stave off financial ruin. I hope they don’t sell off so much that we don’t get to take our trip. :(

We have the miles to get free tickets on Delta, but really, when the AirTran tickets are $135 RT, and I can use the miles for any trip on Delta of any price, I’ll save the miles until we can really exploit them. Maybe a trip to Europe. That’s a $2000 trip vs. $600.

Then I went on AirTran’s website to see our seats, and found that you have to pay $6-$20 to pick your seat on Air Tran! What the? I am not paying the fee, because I happen to know that they will put the 5 of us together, considering that I am flying with 2 minors and a senior citizen. No airline would dare separate a group like that. Not even Southwest.

Now I gotta check on baggage restrictions. Who knows what craziness THAT will turn up.

While surfing, ran into this article, A Deer and Present Danger that describes how to minimize damage to yourself and car when a deer steps in front of you. Worth reading, especially in this area.

Posted by Jenny Smith

I'm Jenny Smith. I blog about life on the 300+ acres of rolling farmland in Northern Virginia where I live. I like tomatoes, all things Star Trek, watercolor, and reading. I spend most days in the garden fighting deer and groundhogs while trying to find my life's meaning. I'm trying to be like Jesus -- emphasis on the trying.