Jenny's blog

Star Trek…

“Not totally sucking” helps Star Trek. Awesome title!!!

This pretty well sums it up for me — for the past several years it’s been hard to be a trek fan. Star Trek was smelling like a dirty sock (courtesy of Brian Braga imo). Since the movie, I have been thinking I should send JJ Abrams a thank you. All I want it to say is “I’m not embarassed to be a Star Trek fan anymore. Thank you.”

I didn’t go to church Sunday because of my sunburn. It’s doing better now, but I was in a bad way yesterday. Even this morning I was having trouble bending my knees. It was a nice day tho. Lynlee and Jared told me Bp recognized me and some others during the service. I feel bad that I missed it.

Today I feel like I have accomplished nothing. I cooked dinner. That’s pretty much it. We went fishing at Gallahan’s pond, but caught nothing. I hope we never have to live by our outdoor skills! The lettuce is up and we had plenty enough for a big salad this evening. DD is so proud. DS loves his new Miracle Gro sprayer and keeps asking to water the plants. There is still weeding to do, but the yard looks 100% better.

DD’s school play is Wednesday. I can not WAIT to see her perform her solo as the Big Bad Wolf. It will be awesome. DS’s class is doing their electricity project and Jared is going in for that.

I want to get the curtains hung and the floor mopped tomorrow. Plus I need to work on my lesson for Sunday and get stuff together for the YW thing Wednesday and we’re having our presidency meeting.

Posted by Jenny Smith

I'm Jenny Smith. I blog about life on the 300+ acres of rolling farmland in Northern Virginia where I live. I like tomatoes, all things Star Trek, watercolor, and reading. I spend most days in the garden fighting deer and groundhogs while trying to find my life's meaning. I'm trying to be like Jesus -- emphasis on the trying.