Jenny's blog

My first sub….

I came down with a terrible sore throat and fever late yesterday afternoon, and so my husband subbed for me this morning in Seminary. The topic was the first of two sections of the plan of salvation. It was easy for him as a returned missionary to step in.

I had already divided the board into three sections: premortal, mortal, and postmortal. I also stuck post it notes with words like fall, creation, resurrection, birth, war in heaven, outer darkness, death, celestial glory, paradise, spirit prison, etc, underneath each of the chairs in the room. My lesson opener was to introduce the material and then have the kids look under their seats to get their post it and stick it on the board in the correct section. Then I would correct any mistakes, and we would go over each of the post-it topics briefly. Jared did much the same thing. He told me several of the kids brought up points from their reading (Preach My Gospel, Plan of Salvation, pps 48-53) during the lesson. Hooray! And when he didn’t know what the reading was for tomorrow, the kids did and reminded every one for him. He also commented on how much better opening exercises were working this year than last. My class president is doing a great job.

The post it note activity took about 2-3 minutes for all 16 to come up and put up their sticky note.

Yesterday I ran for 3/4 of a mile on the treadmill at the gym! That’s my best so far. I walked almost 2 miles, too, so it was a pretty good workout. I have been doing upwards of 4-5 miles on the elliptical a few times a week for a couple of weeks now, and the running is new. I am excited to see progress! I’m still pretty slow, but that doesn’t really matter to me. I’m just excited to be able to do something I’ve never been able to do in the past. I’m trying to get ready for the rock wall on our cruise! Must beat Jared!

My kids have finally pulled it together and are making it to the bus on time better. The first few days of school were rocky. My son was initially enrolled in three (!) periods of band, and he told me yesterday that they are going to change that for him today. That makes me happier. DD has the same teacher as her brother did before, and she is great. I hope DD has a good year, too.

My rebound scriptures came back Monday, and I cried. The cover looks TERRIBLE. The type is crooked, the lines aren’t spaced evenly to the text, and there are FOUR random fonts. It doesn’t look like they even tried to approximate the cover that was there before. They also stuck the new maps for Church history after the title page of the Pearl of Great Price. I was so disappointed. The leather is so beautiful, and it’s just ruined with the horrible gold tattoos all over the spine. I keep crying like such a wimp that Jared is going to try to call them and see what can be done today. I know I sound like a baby. A spoiled brat. I was just so excited. And my father paid to have them done for me. I just don’t know how to tell him I’m disappointed. :-(

The weather has been beautiful this week. Cool and clear. Monday you could see the mountains from our road. Gorgeous!

Today I’m supposed to go to the seminary in service and present on my method for getting the kids to read the text in Seminary. I am hoping to do it so that it doesn’t sound like a used car salesperson pitching his favorite jalopy. I’ve also got to drive out to the farm stand to pick up the CSA share and get to the gym and drop off a donation to the Women’s shelter. I am supposed to transcribe some notes for the DAR and have a meeting with the Patawomeck Heritage Foundation. I’ve got to find time to see the doctor to make sure I’m not contagious before tomorrow. I thought it might be strep throat at first, but now I’m pretty confident it’s just a cold, and I hope to be able to teach tomorrow. It’s probably just the exposure to so many kids and their germs. I was planning to go to the doctor today anyway to get anti-nausea patches for my upcoming cruise, and so now I’ll just kill two birds with one stone, I guess. :)

Posted by Jenny Smith

I'm Jenny Smith. I blog about life on the 300+ acres of rolling farmland in Northern Virginia where I live. I like tomatoes, all things Star Trek, watercolor, and reading. I spend most days in the garden fighting deer and groundhogs while trying to find my life's meaning. I'm trying to be like Jesus -- emphasis on the trying.