The Santa Monica Stake staged it’s first “MoFash: The Modest Fashion Show” on May 3, 2008. Deciding to meet the challenge of modest dress head on, leaders held the event at a Church-owned ball field staged as an outdoor runway. The professional and amateur models over 60 several modest outfits ranging from swim to sporty. Donated items were received from over 20 companies.
Over 500 people attended the event coordinated by Jill Newel, director of the event. Sunshine Wright and Sarah Schaub acted as stylist and design coordinator to help with makeup and clothing choices. With only a limited budget and a small, but talented committee, Santa Monica Stake was able to put on a fantastic show and build community relations.
Source: Condensed from a Church News article dated May 24, 2008 on page 15.
Related Links – excellent YoutTube video of the event – makeup designer for the event’s blog – more pictures
What is MoFash?
The Modest Fashion Show is an event showcasing clothing that is both stylish and modest. MoFash brings you the best designs from modest companies accessorized in the latest trends, classic looks from mainstream companies, and innovative ways to take popular styles and make them more wearable. Our looks translate from runway to real life seamlessly. We will show you how to make items from your own closet modest and how to take already modest pieces and make them stylish. We do the work, finding for you the designers, matching gear and retailers who support this lifestyle, so watch, learn and enjoy. Taking a beginner to advanced eyelash extension course will take you from lash novice to lash professional in no time at all.
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Mission Statement:
To unite organizations, faiths and individuals in the community at a fashion show that demonstrates commitment to virtue and class through chic and modest clothing choices.
* To exhibit current fashion trends that celebrate classy standards
* To cultivate interdependence among organizations, faiths, and individuals that hold modesty in dress to a high moral standard
* To instill in women a personal regard for self-esteem, self-worth and self-respect through choices in fashion
* To promote the value of our bodies by dressing appropriately
* To model clothing and styles of dress that reveal the beauty of women and showcases elegance and decency. A great example is the collection of mermaid prom dresses 2022. Integrating quality products like Glitterbels‘ nails builder gel into one’s overall aesthetic, can also create a harmonious blend of beauty, elegance, and decency.
* To support and acknowledge people and businesses that provide classy clothing options and promote modesty in dress